Monday 10 November 2014

Sipadan Island

“I have seen other places like Sipadan 45 years ago. Now we have found again an untouched piece of art”. - Jacques-Yves Cousteau

       The internationally famous island of Sipadan, which is one of the top 5 diving sites in the world, lies five degrees north of the equator in the Sulawesi Sea (Celebes Sea). more than 3000 species of fish and hundreds of coral species have been classified in this richest of ecosystems. Sipadan is well known for its unusually large numbers of green and hawksbill turtles which gather there to mate and nest and it is not unusual for a diver to see more than 20 turtles on each dive. 
There is a total of 12 dive sites in Sipadan with the most popularly recommended dive sites such as : Turtle Cavern, Barracuda Point, South Point and Hanging Gardens. It was also declared a bird sanctuary in 1993, providing tourists a glimpse of migratory birds such as the wood sandpiper, greater sand plover and common sandpiper. Surprisingly, this island is so small, that just a 25-minute walk is enough to orbit the island.
Getting There
From Kota Kinabalu, take a 55-minute flight to Tawau and enjoy an hour’s drive to Semporna. From Semporna, Sipadan is another 40 minutes by speedboat. Be sure to pre-arrange transportation with your respective resort/dive operator.

Agents To Contact:
Best Borneo Tours Sdn Bhd
Office +60 88-486 088
Like Sabah Holiday Sdn Bhd
Office +60 88-318 831
Borneo Dream Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd
Office +60 88-244 064
All Borneo Connection Tours Sdn Bhd
Office +60 88-258 448
Qlu Sabah Holiday & Tours Sdn Bhd
Mobile +60 10-957 6620

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